Evaluation of the data must be defined and reviewed by the team with readjustments to the IEP based on that data. If the data is not relevant or specific enough the IEP outcomes will suffer, and changes are "Best Guess" VS Data-Driven. When determining what data will be collected and what evaluations will be done, it is the specificity of that information that allows the IEP to go from an incompetent legally sufficient document to one that can have real impact on the progress a child makes toward their functional goals. As parent or advocate the job is to make sure that the IEP documents what, when where and how that data will be collected and then communicated to the parent.
That communication does not have to be only at report card time. In fact, when changing behavioral approach /response, or when introducing changes, it is important to keep things positive and to discontinue when something is not working.
Attention must also be paid to the frequency of data analysis (of collected data)
Frequency of communication of analysis and raw data
Regular evaluation analysis of the collected data to parents
Regrouping of team members if unable to progress in 2 months or if regression occurs vs. waiting quarterly
Minimum requirement - per report card period
Revisit to evaluate the success or failure in achieving the objectives.
Ask questions that will draw the appropriate conclusions and information which then defines new goals or supports what will help the student achieve success.
Ask for ideas on what could have been done differently
Ask non-leading questions that do not direct one to a specific answer
Ask one question at a time in order to not appear confrontational
Ask open-ended questions that lead to elaboration (how/what/why/in what way/to what extent/tell me more about/what did it look like)
Ask questions that are child and IEP focused
Ask questions that require detailed answers
Ask unbiased questions that are not based on your assumptions
Ask what are the barriers to achieving the objective and how have they been able to overcome them? (SDIs for others)
When periodic reports on the progress the child is making toward meeting the annual goals will be provided such as through the use of quarterly or other periodic reports, concurrent with the issuance of report cards. [34 CFR §300.320(a)(3)(ii)]